Friday, August 22, 2008

It's Getting Pretty Deep

In Presidential-Election-Land!
I think What's happened is that the Candidate McCain campaign has found the "right" code words to convey the idea "uppity black man" (ahem). Telling the magical-wishful-thinking road warriors they can have cheap fuel if they vote for their candidate seems to be helping too. Best of all, they've managed to create a set of rationalizations for voting against the "uppity black man" (ahem), without reference to the fact that he doesn't look like all those presidents who preceeded him. As I said Here:(Finding a PC Way).
So, dropping his attempt to act like an intelligent man (risky for a presidential candidate, as I mentioned previously) Candidate Obama has begun to reply in kind. As shown in This video:
The pointlessness of this kind of thing is generally pretty apparent - but for most of the electorate, it's only apparent when the Other Candidate does it! I, as an equal opportunity sneerer, say "...See what a scourge is laid upon your hate, That heaven finds means to kill your joys with love. And I for winking at your discords, too ... All are punished." Nobody is enlightened by this kind of thing, that's certain!

Now, Here's an exercise for the reader. Try to figure out the whichness of the why: there's a segment of the electorate, somewhere in the range of 8% to 12%, that's going to use the Free Pass I mentioned above. In the "Sanctity Of The Voting Booth", these voters are going to vote on the basis of He-Who-Looks-Most-Like-Me. Of course, I could be wrong! One hopes. OH: the question at hand: Most of these non-racist McCain voters are going to be in the states where Candidate Obama has precious little chance of winning a majority anyway. But, even in the least red of the redneck states, there's going to be a umm ..., a ..., well..., let's call it a "white vote". Q: How many electoral votes will this cost Candidate Obama? Will he end up in second place?
Or: will he drop all that "elitist" intelligent approach to campaigning and just go for the soundbite politics that's been tested over time, and proved to be the way to get the ornery voter to pull the lever for you? Go ahead, take the Electoral Map out for a spin. See what's up.

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