Monday, April 20, 2009

It's A Nightmare

...This whole thing about the Disappearing Newspapers.
In a nightmarish sort of Maunderingstate it occurred to me that if the Print Media all close up shop (something I think as inevitable as GM going belly up), eventually they'll also pull the plug on their Archives.
Now, I really don't spend a lot of time looking at Old News. It is, after all, OLD. However, I suddenly had a panicky realization that all those URL's I've embedded in all those postings on FranksMaunderings (here, that is), will suddenly lead to nowhere. The Bit Bucket. It's happened before. I discovered while searching through an old posting that links to, specifically, articles disappear after a few days. Yahoo, it seems, is rather impecunious regarding storage of old items. I had to muck about looking for the equivalent-or-nearly-so items on other websites to replace the missing links (ehh) where I'd witlessly relied on Yahoo to keep the articles I linked to. It took a lot of time, and was a pain in the ...
But, I now had nothing but Good Links to my sources.
Or So I Thought.
But yesterday I realized that some or any or most or all of those sources are likely to disappear over time. Being nothing if not inventive. Or stubborn. Or obsessive, I Hatched A Plan. I'll simply add a new Blog to my stable, follow the links in my postings, Cut 'N Paste the actual web document into my new blog, and Link To That!.
I created the blog. I began searching thru this blog - yes, this one here, where you are, I hope reading with Great Anticipation for the denoument. I found, among other things, that I put out a lot of stuff without any external links. Not until September 11 (yoww!) of 2006 did I ever include a link to outside sources. Sure enough, on that very first post where I had included external links (How Dems Can Win the Midterm Elections) I discovered that it had already happened! One of the links went to an extinct location: "". Yes, Newt Gingrich's .org had been cancelled. YES! But unfortunately, this meant that you, the reader, were now unable to sample the wierd wisdom of the New Intellectual Leader of the Party Of No. Also, it makes my otherwise semi-impeccably maintained blog look shoddy. So, I did a little searching, and found another place where those words of wisdom were posted. Think about it: how likely is it, really, that the Words Of Newt will actually be extinguished? Anyway, I followed my above mentioned prescription and replaced the links in that posting with links to copies I made of the original (sort of) articles.
You can see the New Improved Post at the link above.
It's gonna be a while before I get through all those postings.
Some of 'em, I might simply delete. Save myself a little time and effort.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do appreciate the hard work you do, blogging and keeping track of everything. I just thought a comment reminding you that there are still libraries, with real newspapers in their archives, might make you feel better.
I don't know about preserving everything everyone says is that terribly important but backing up electronic words with real ink on paper is.