Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Curiouser and curiouser (Originally posted Jan. 24)

Curiouser and curiouser, said I.
First Dick Cheney says the U.S. inspectors 'need more time' to find those pesky weapons of mass destruction. Strange that the United Nations wasn't considered to 'need more time'.
Now, the president's own press secretary avows that Iran needs to send its captured suspected al Quaeda terrorists to their native countries to be tried. This in spite of the fact that the United States steadfastly refuses to do the same with its alleged al Quaeda members, being held without charge, without indictment, and without legal representation, in a place of legal limbo called Guantanamo Bay.
What's going on here? Why is the United States exempt from the rules it attempts to impose on other countries? Perhaps it is because, as our president says, "I know we are incredibly good!", thus we can be trusted where others cannot.

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