Sunday, May 16, 2004

"Its not us; we're not like that". (Originally posted May 5)

In all the uproar over the scenes of abuse in Abu Graib prison, I haven't heard any one make mention of that apalling young woman (Lyndie England) in the pictures. The one with the fully erect cigarette and the fully erect fingers. Pretty clearly very drunk or very stoned, or both. In any case, she is obviously very pleased at being in TOTAL CONTROL over a group of naked men. If she was this way when she joined the army, I think that's pretty alarming. If she learned this sort of behavior in the army, that's even more alarming.
There is a third possibility however. Since, as the president says, "It's not us - we're not like that", perhaps she is an evildoer disguised as an American soldier. There are many, I am sure, who would greatly prefer that to be true. I think they will be disappointed. In any case, the perpetrators of this (these) acts, whether widespread as some have claimed, or narrowspread, as some insist, have given great aid and comfort to the enemy. Gee, that's the definition of treason, isn't it!

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