Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Don't Move...

Or The Sheriff Gets It!

Not unlike what Wall Street Financial Wizards are saying today. Along with some of the Government Overseers of those guys. It pretty much amounts to being held up at the point of a gun, only the gun is pointed at the robbers, who threaten to crash their business, and take you down with it. I think what needs asking, though I do not expect to hear it in these Wizard Photo-Op Hearings, is: If the mortgagee is going to be thrown overboard, what point is there in giving all this (taxpayer) money to the mortgagor? As others have been pointing out, only to be drowned out by the aforementioned wizards, IF the distressed mortgages had been propped up by means of government intervention to begin with, THEN the holders of these multiply-derived-and-uncertainly-valued would have some true asset value backing their investments. It could still be done like that. Seven hundred billion dollars is still a lot of money, even these days. The only thing is, we'd still be out the bailout money already handed out.
Cleavon Little's ploy in the still hilarious Blazing saddles worked for him - I'm willing to bet it'll work for Wall Street Financiers as well. Once the Politicians get their photo-ops on video.

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