Monday, September 08, 2008

The Spouses Of The...

Vice Presidential Candidates -

Jill Biden and Todd Palin

Appear to have become Critical Players in the Race For The White House. The idiocy of such an occurrence is obvious; but still, there are those who will give in to the need to get some ink: Ken Heineman - interviewed by Carolyn Lochhead Or, maybe it's just Carolyn desperately trying to find something to fill her allotted space in the Chron.
It's for certain now at any rate that any substantive reason for selecting a president, or a senator, or indeed any public servant has been replaced by the Absolutely Totally Nonsensical desire to know all about the nominee's Personal Story. This isn't really new: Julius Caesar got himself captured by Pirates to burnish his Curriculum Vitae as an aid to his future in politics. Heck, even before then, Pisistratus The Tyrant indulged in some high profile adventures. With a Goddess, no less!
So, this kind of thing has been going on for a while. But now, to this utterly reductio ad adsurdum of making a claim (possibly a valid one, dammit) that the husband of the assistant to the ... is a Player in the campaigning. See, now, this is why John Kerry isn't the president today. He mulishly continued to talk about governance and all that stuff. He let other people "define" him in terms of his Personal Story. If he'd spent as much time letting people know how he'd found his Personal Saviour in Vietnam as one of today's candidates is doing, perhaps he'd have attracted some of those unevolved voters who want a president (or a Vice-Presidential-Spouse) they can have over for a beer and mooseburger backyard barbecue.
For me; I await the Vice-Presidential-Spouses-Debate. Moderated by Martha Stewart if we have the usual luck in these matters.

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