Monday, September 15, 2008

Two Things

To Remember:
1.) Government is the problem; Business is the solution. Government bureaucrats are fumbling idiots and can't manage anything. They're totally inefficient. Private business is driven to efficiency by the Profit Motive and therefore always takes the correct course.
2.) Don't you wish the (fumbling idiots) in the Federal Government would Privatize Social Security, so that your hard-earned dollars could be invested in the Stock Market? Perhaps in Lehman Brothers? Or is the money you've lost recently in your 401K enough of a reminder why 1. (above) is pretty much a fairy tale?
Realistically speaking, most people aren't very smart; aren't very good at what they do. Most people are, in fact, average. That's what average means, after all. So, whether it's a government fumblebum or a private enterprise fumblebum, it's still a good idea to know enough Latin to understand Caveat Emptor.
3.) (OK, so i fibbed about how many things!) Don't forget to vote for the Party of Fiscal Responsibility this November. They've handled things So Well these last 8 years.

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