Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Only Discernable Difference

Between A

And a

Wall Street Master of Finance

appears to be a

Harvard MBA

I thought it used to be an article of faith among the unbridled capitalists that "The Market Is Always Right".
I was wrong it seems. It's still an article of faith. Or maybe just a talking point. Just today, this very day, on Bloomberg teevee, Jim O'Neill, an Economist (you know, a practitioner of The Dismal Science) for the financial stalwart formerly known as Goldman Sachs repeated the mantra. Right there, on teevee! To a live talking head! "Of course, the Market is always right.", he said. Not nearly as right as it's going to be when his former boss at Goldman Sachs, now Treasury Sec'y. Henry Paulson starts shoveling some of that 700 Billion taxpayer dollars out the front door of the Treasury! Maybe Economist O'Neill is hoping to get a job offer. By looking As Sound As A Dollar.
I used to think the Military-Industrial Complex was good at milking the cash cow. But the Financial-Investment Complex has shown them to be pikers (relatively speaking).

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